Monday, November 24, 2008

Chugging through assignments...

ah, I've been so busy working on school work the last several weeks that I haven't done anything else. My mentor Jensen tested me on my knowledge of ancient Greece. He said I was getting 75% of the material. So, in other words to me, a total failure. The best solution we could come up with was for me to re-read some chapters assigned by him. I'm writing papers at the end of each book in Volume 2 The Life of Greece by Will Durant. At least I didn't have to redo all 4 volumes! Here's what I've got so far...

Book 1 paper

The first Greek age was the Heroic Age. This is when the Aegean Sea was divided into different countries by geography so each of the islands was a kingdom to itself. The Minoan culture had a big influence on the islands between them and the mainland until 1400 BC. These islands were called the Cyclades. The Cretan culture ruled until they stopped exporting and then the Mycenaean culture of the mainland took over. All the Greek tribes are descendents of Hellen, son of Ducalion(Noah). Hellen begat Achaeus and Ion who settled the Pelopnnesus and Attica.

Cecrops, a descendant of Ion, founded Athens.

Boeotia, the Thebes capital was founded by Cadmus. He also gave the world Heracles(Hercules) and Oedipus. When Heracles’ descendants were exiled from mycaenae, they promised to return 50 years later. I think this was the Dorian Invasion in 1104. Regardless, this ended the Heroic age.

Cyprus was important during all the Bronze Age(3400-1200 BC) because they had so much copper. They exported it to Egypt, Crete and Greece.

Troy had nine cities, the 2nd and 6th being the largest and greatest. We believe the 2nd to have been under siege of 1194-84 from Mycenaean and Spartan Greece. It was valued for its ability to toll and control all traffic in the Hellespont Strait with inland safety. Troy was a stopping place for merchants who wanted to ship further inland. The revenue from this probably made them rich and made them a target for conquerors. Trojans were part Minoan, Mycenaean, Asiatic, and Danubian. After Troy was taken, Greek culture began.

The Fathers of the Greek founding cities are connected by blood to Gods whom begin the Greek myth and poetry tradition. Since we don’t know how much truth is in it, we have to call it legend. Legend tells us Zeus begat Tantalus, begat Pelops, begat Atreus, begat Agamemnon and Menelaus, the kings of Mycenae and Sparta we read about in Homer.

Mycenaeans, Achaeans and Dorians.

Achaeans were physically beautiful and physically motivated people. The Achaeans didn’t mine for metal. They were content with bronze from Cyprus. They had an agrarian tradition they were proud of. Each did their best to make use of their local resources. Land ownership belonged to a father who couldn’t sell the land. Doing so ended common lands. Pride was taken in making things yourself—or taking them from others. Wealth was based on goods, not money.

The richer you were, the more meat you got to eat.


The Achaeans were gentle to family and strangers who needed hospitality, but they were vicious to everyone else. At home, they were on guard for raiders. They must have hated being disrespected because away from home, they did all they could to take vengeance in the same way they were hurt.


The men grew up as boys preparing for the chase. The girls prepared for housekeeping. Marriage required a bride price and a dowry so both sides were enriched children made a mother and father more honored. Women and men mingled together in everything they did, and beauty of women was an inspiration.


The arts aren’t very well nurtured in this age, unless they involve practical metals. Everything was built to be functional and there was no time for anything else. Greatness was put into palaces, not temples.


Each kingdom began with a clan. All the free men have a voice, but only the most important can propose new ideas. Many of these were important because they were orators. The king’s line was hereditary, but limited by the council. He was king as long as the army and religion support him. Not knowing how to tax, he exacted gifts from his subjects and raided everyone else.

Siege of troy

1196-84 BC Iliad and Odyssey

Dorian conquest

In 1104, hunting northerners came with iron swords to Greece, Peloponneus and Crete. Greeks were able to hide in Attica, but in the other two, Mycenaean culture died. Perhaps it was the promised return of the Heracleidae. The Heroic age was at an end.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Save your freedom

google or youtube:

USA Patriot ACT**
Millitary Commisions Act***
Domestic Security Enhancement Act**
Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act***************
Presidential Directive NSPD 51/HSPD-20*****

learn about your true government.

* stars indicate severity

Wow...Here's an idea for the 2008 Election

This is an email I just got from my 17 year old brother. The question is, are we brave enough to take this leap? Will we write another Declaration of Independence? Comment if you are ready for this.

Here it goes!

Call for a vote of no confidence in the government of the United States and vote for new officials by using the internet!!!

First get a popular website like facebook, myspace etc.... to host it. Make sure you make a agreement for no outside government or corporate pressure can interfere.
There will be no political parties. Just people. People can nominate themselves. They will write down their thoughts about issues that will be chosen. AND IT WILL BE THOROUGH!!!!
They will try to get people to vote for them. I'm fuzzy about choosing nominees. That will be the hard part. We need nominees from different ideals though.

After some sorting there will be finalists. Then there will be a final vote. Each person according to their beliefs. The program will be set up so that only one person can vote per finalist.

And it won't let you vote until you read all of the issues on all of the finalists too.

The True, By The People Vote!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Groundbreaking Report

Holy Cow! It's over. To any participants' eyes, the Groundbreaking went off without a glitch. Behind the scenes, we had flat tires, emergency substitutes, 5 am wake up songs, and lots of water to carry. I'm glad it all turned out. I'm glad it's over. I was touched this morning by these words from my event planning Yoda--

"Coming from a 'quote maven', I can't tell you how impressed I was with the entire 3 day event in Monticello. You were calm, cool, collected, and you handled every crisis. I never saw you lose it, and you made diffiicult decisions at stressful moments. To the public, the entire event lookes well-organized and thought out. I think what impressed me the most is when you were unjustly chewed out and scolded. You truly behaved like a stateswoman. I never saw you swear or say anything unkind about the Brooks or anyone else. Congratulate yourself on an event well done!"
Go to The Statesman newsletter for a full report that I didn't have to write!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I'm back from a L.O.V.E. hiatus!

Brad & Manike at Disturbed Concert

And my mother was right! At the beginning of the summer, I listened to countless jokes from my mother. She was utterly convinced that I would come out here to Monticello and fall in love with some hottie farm boy.
I did more than that! I'm getting married! The date is September 20th. The Man is 'Brad' Pipkin from Monticello, UT. This whole summer has been a lesson on the benefits of diplomacy!

Lesson #1
Always say yes to first dates!
First of all, it's polite. No guy wants to get turned down for a first date. If you want to encourage Mr. Right to find you and make you happy, you need to inspire him to see that Vision! Say yes, be jovial, happy, fun, and be yourself. Don't hang all over him. That's not required every minute of a date. Giving him some space to breathe will give him a chance to look at you while you're both at your best--relaxed and with personality shining thru!
Lesson #2
Be Willing To Change Your Mind
If I had known the Brad summary before we met, I would have just said no thank. I used to be a 'stickler' on dating return missionaries with my same opinions, and never dating in the military. I sure would have missed out! Testimonies are made with or without missions. Sometimes you just take different turns.
Having different opinions means we have lots to talk about. I don't have to worry about him making me his life because guess what! He's living his dreams! Just like I am. We have a fuller, richer life from all the variety.
As for the military, I have learned a respect for our armed forces that I never had before. Being personally involved has already shown me that our US Military has the leadership and brains to pull us through whatever is ahead in the future. That is a big change for me.
Lesson #3
Believe in being happy
Don't believe me? Check out this video with Will Smith.
We set ourselves up for so much hardship in dating by assuming what the world calls a realistic view. You expect to have fights; you expect to raise your voice, cuss and yell. You expect to fight a power war; sometimes you're stepping on his neck and sometimes you're really insecure. You expect him to do the same. But none of this makes you happy.
What if you really could have a honeymoon marriage?
What if you could solve concerns you have calmly without fighting or unnecessary pain?
What if you could build up feelings of love continually so that your marriage would never die?
Let's admit it. People don't get married just to have someone else balance the checkbook. People get married because they are deeply in love. If that love isn't there, is it really a marriage?
Or just an economical arrangement?
Economics aren't the glue for a marriage. Love is.
And Love leads to family.
When I took political economy during my sophomore year at George Wythe University, none of us had a wide perspective. The first definition we were opened to was "the workings of a home".
Clearly, a home is started by a family which begins most often with marriage. I say it that way because college lesson #789 was home and family are essential as your everyday support regardless of your marital status. I created many of them. Now I'm choosing to start another through the institution and covenant of marriage. Our goal is the same; be happy because we're together.
So obviously, in this chicken and egg story, Love comes before marriage. It creates it, before and after the ceremony. Creating love is labor, but it's an exhilarating adventure! As all creation is.
So when people ask me, "Are you sure? Do you know what you're getting yourself into?"
I just smile and say, "Yes."
To the never-ending adventure
Happily Ever After

Friday, July 11, 2008

Being an inventist!

when I saw these shoes, my heart said "Love!", and my head said, "No way! Even on eBay, they're $200!"Being the positive entrepreneurial DIYer that I am, I am determined to find a way! I've considered getting regular brown strappy sandals, spray painting them and pounding rivets and studs into the straps to get the look I want.
Pretty ingenious, right?
Well, what if I try to be even more self sustaining? I know how to make moccasins. If the Romans really made sandals like this, then they're no reason why someone as modern as me can't figure out how to make them too. Besides, I've had enough store bought clothes rip to know that what I make and sew myself usually lasts 10 times longer!
The first thing I thought of was paint. I found a couple of recipes. I'll be testing them out in the next couple of days to find out which one works best on leather...which I will also have to find.
If it all works out, I might even start this as a business! People are always going to need sandals, and the Roman design was good enough to last this long!

Paint Recipe
1 Dry Milk
1 Water

Die, food coloring, berry juice


Mix Milk and Water until it is the consistency of paint.


Blend in color to make the desired hue.


Brush on as you would any other paint. Let the first coat dry for at least twenty-four hours before adding a second coat. Let the second dry for three days.


This paint is extremely durable. To strip milk paint, apply ammonia, allow it to dry for about four days, then apply bleach. Make sure you are stripping the paint in a well-ventilated area.

Oil Paint

1 Tbs oil

30 g pigment

8 tbsp. powdered paint
1 tsp. white glue
2 tbsp. liquid starch
3 drops oil of cloves (obtainable from any drug store)

George Wythe College mentors me.
Comanity funds me.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Talking with the Authors...only at GWC

Platonic Dialogue between me and Condoleezza Rice
This is what happens when you go to George Wythe College. You end up having long arguments with the authors of every piece of writing you see in your head as you're reading. I usually have lots of questions too. Those questions could be expanded into an entire essay on their own!

Quote from Rethinking the National Interest: American Realism for a New World

Condoleezza Rice, Foreign Affairs, July/August 2008

“What has changed is, most broadly, how we view the relationship between the dynamics within states and the distribution of power among them. Or the interplay between them. As globalization strengthens some states, it exposes and exacerbates the failings of many others what if globalisation purposely targets and uses theories meant to weaken or strengthen different countries? Oxygen good for humans, carbon dioxide good for plants. Purposely using plants to create a certain environment and consequences become pronounced. -- those too weak or poorly governed to address challenges within their borders and prevent them from spilling out and destabilizing the international order.some things can’t be kept in. what are they? How is international order so destabilized? In this strategic environment, it is vital to our national security that states be willing and able to meet the full range of their sovereign responsibilities, both beyond their borders and within them. You don’t act like they’re responsible. If they can’t handle something on their own, you don’t make them do it. You make them turn responsiblilty over to someone more capable. Like an international alliance that takes their sovereignty. This new reality has led us to some significant changes in our policy. We recognize that democratic state building is now an urgent component of our national interest. Who is the real audience here? Are you truly concerned for the world, or just yourselves? If a good principle is good for us, it should be good for others too. And in the broader Middle East, we recognize that freedom and democracy are the only ideas that can, over time, lead to just and lasting stability, especially in Afghanistan and Iraq.” Lots of things like monarchy, tyrnanny, communalism, and dictators can lead to stability. Only a few ideas lead to freedom and democracy. Is stability our real end goal? If so, many paths will lead us there, and I suspect we’re on one of them.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

God don't bless America

For the longest time, I've always gotten mad at the words to the song God Bless America. To me, the song was a dark mockery of patriotism. The irony of it all was that upstanding Americans sing about the freedoms they have while freedom is stolen away in the very same night. Americans watch celebratory fireworks imitate the explosions of a war that blind them to War's real repercussions. Hence, the song pricked my heart with frustration and despair.

Not anymore.

I celebrated Independence Day on the 3rd of July in Lander, WY this year. I enjoyed a dance of actors, music, stories from the Founders and fireworks in the most comforting and hopeful 4th of July program I've ever seen. Listening to the voices of Jefferson, Adams, Washington and Wythe pressed upon me the depth of sacrifice that was made to give us the legacy of our country. Their voices pressed upon me the depth of sacrifice we must be prepared to give to keep it alive.

In the future, we may be poor. We may be cold. We may be hungry. We may weaken to despair. But we must be strong enough to make it through.

Even now in the luxury of comfort, that seems a hard task to ask. Our lives now seem like we are running down a road with only a cliffhanger ending. At some point, you will be flying through the air facing a harsh death. But despite one road, there are many endings to this thriller.

An artist will imagine many. You can die of a heart attack before you hit the ground. You can be sucked into the cliff and roll to a rocky death. You might put out your hand to grab the side and slide down slowly. Or you can spread your arms and fly…

It doesn’t matter when you start trying to fly. You might be rolling on the side of the cliff or just now jumping from the road. There are hundreds of possible tools you might be using. There are hundreds of possible endings for one cliff jumper. Some will be measured as failures. Some as successes. Others will remember to measure themselves against no one but their own better selves.

This is how we can be strong enough to make it through. Forget that! We will be invincible and undefeatable in our glorious lives. Our stories will be told for millennia. With the faith to create, Glory never dies.

I don’t know yet what sacrifices I will be asked to give. Maybe you do. Chances are you already have the tools to do the tasks that will be asked. Use them. Practice them. Create with them. In the coming years and coming days, the world will seem blacker than any night. Then, when there are none others, We will be the Stars.

T. Paine

George Wythe College mentors
Comanity funds

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Can you hear me?...a day at the Lake

At the lake today, I watched two kids playing in a raft. They were horsing around like most would, so it wasn't a surprise when the boat flipped over. I'd derived earlier that they were brother and sister. They laughed and splashed for a while, but within minutes, they attempted to climb back into the raft. They tried balancing on each side, but no luck. The girl even tried to put her feet in at the same time as her head! The raft plopped her out.
As I watched her try again, I realized she and her brother would never get in that way. I yelled to the girl.
"Hey! Hey! Can you hear me?"
After half a minute passed, I saw her turn towards me.
"Turn around!" I yelled. "Try putting your hands on the sides and jumping on it like a curb."
The word running through my head was stage, but she got the message, attempted and plopped again. This time on her back into the raft.
"Thank you!" She yelled back.
"No problem. I thought it might help."
As I sat down again on my blanket, something struck me about the way she had succeeded. She had some fun, fell out, then wanted back in. Going forward didn't help her, matter how balanced she was. She had to go backwards because her center of gravity was literally behind her.
Perhaps in life, going forward with weightless arms and legs, and even a head, does us no good. It is our weighted center behind us that gives us stability and pushes us forward. You have to turn backwards to the past to move towards your goals. Your center could be called many things. Family, mission, vision, a call from God, or a duty or debt you owe the world to help make it better.
I've got a lot of goals in life, just like I have pictures on my wall. They show all the places I want to go. How? My secret is out in the open, but most don't notice it. High above my desk are the words,
"Study as if the future of the world depends on you. It does."
Only God and I know what that really means.
Are you having fun or are you falling out?
Are your ears clear?


George Wythe College mentors Comanity funds

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Power Money: They've got it

Power Money: They’ve Got It

The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) located in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia is an inter-governmental organization with a Permanent Delegation to the United Nations. As the second largest international organization after the United Nations, it has the power to rule the world.

It coadjutes 57 nations, most of which are Islamic in the Middle East, North, West and Southern Africa, Central Asia, Europe, Southeast Asia, South Asia and South America. The OIC politely keeps its power from the spotlight.
Like the UN, the OIC has trouble enforcing its resolutions. It has substantial legislative powers, but no executive or judicial power. This form dooms it to dependence on committees supported by the members, but who are not obligated by law. The most the OIC can do is politely ask them to do something.
The OIC does not have any armed forces of its own. None of its committees are designed to control, support or operate military of any kind. However, they may be capable of creating that structure, but they are still dependent on loyal member states to protect them.
The different organizations within the OIC are powerful on paper, but weak on foot. In order to execute all its powers, it would have to force strong members to obey until they were comfortable with the loss of control.
The exceptions would be countries that already had weak governments, and found it easier to delegate powers to higher government.
The OIC does this because it needs to stay diplomatic. For now, it stays dependent on its member governments. It doesn’t want to scare anyone off by unsheathing its sword.
Over the years, committees overseen by the annual and tri-annual conferences have build institutions to work towards idealistic dreams. Their universities have risen in prestige. Research and training centers for culture, economy, technology, and education have preserved the antiquity of the member states while helping them develop. The OIC also supports an Islamic Development Bank, Solidarity Fund and Broadcasting & News Agency
The idealistic dreams of the OIC are: eliminate racial prejudice; eradicate colonialism; safeguard the Holy Land; support international peace, the Palestinians and all Muslim people with a view to preserving their dignity, independence and national rights.
In 2006, OIC made an interesting move. They joined the UN in a cooperation agreement. Causes that seek the support of either get support from both. The OIC now has most of the nations in the world supporting it without admitting them all, and the UN has the support of the OIC.
The importance of this is not seen or written. What makes the OIC so strong is it has a strong religious purpose that refutes reason and the support of OPEC.
In the Islamic world, different classes are in different sects of Islam The ruling class including all the heads of state is in the highest. These are the people with primary control of the OIC. Their dream of a peaceful world where the correct image of Islam is always projected, prejudices are eliminated, and Muslims are always supported and protected is a call from Allah. Trying to convince them that any other opinion is correct is futile. Reason can never refute revelation.
OPEC stands for the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries It was founded in 1960, and it’s current members are:Algeria, Angola, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Venezuela. Behold the wealth, brains and brawn of the OIC.
And why is that? You already know the answer. OIL. Oil is the currency of power right now, and since OPEC is the source of it and the heart of OIC, the OIC has the monopoly over power of the world since its creation.
Someone is probably making the argument that the US isn’t dependent on oil. It has its own reserves; it have alternative energy sources. so why is everyone there still paying $3.10 a gallon for gasoline? Because that person knows it will take decades of hard work to switch completely over to self reliant energy. The United States prefers to take the easier drive to give the OIC power and be slapped with dependence.
President Bush was pretty smart to invade Iraq directly. It would have been easier to just launch missiles from Saudi Arabia, our ally. Why didn’t he? Because by invading Iraq, he hits the bulls-eye of world power that he’s trying to claim for the United States to stop his country from declining. He can target almost any other country in OPEC or the OIC from Iraq. The outer circles are marked by the boundaries of OPEC and OIC. This bulls-eye controls the entire world by alliance, submission or trade dependence.
The world knows the super-populated countries of Russia, China, India and Indonesia as the producer nations of the world. All four are observer states in the OIC. The US hasn’t wised up yet. Observer states have the right to attend, comment, and give suggestions—everything but the power to vote on decisions. Is it too far-fetched to assume that some of the OIC policies are made to respect the opinions of the world producers that respectfully attend conferences? The observers are watchdogs, but only watchdogs on a chain. Because after all, even if the OIC does something they don’t like, how would they manage without oil? Even the producer nations have become snapping Dobermans without teeth.
The OIC will be the center of the world’s power until someone changes the money. It will not be by invasion of one or many of the member states, and not just for energy. Oil is something much more. It is the power money.
What is power money? It is the sole thing of value for which nations will trade everything else they have. Power money interprets values into the material world, and shapes what type of government you are living under. Let’s take a look at world history for a moment.








World Exploration and Protestant




“Let us think”



“More than enough



Countries acquire new land.


“Let us trade”



“Let’s get it all”



New of people colonized land.



“Let us work together”



“More than enough”



Rise of Emperors & Capitalists



“Let us own”



“Let’s get it all for ourselves”



American Supremacy


“Let’s hide under our desks”



“Let’s protect everything we have”



OIC & Islamic Supremacy



“Let corporations take care of us



“Let’s get it all for ourselves”



America Challenge


“Let’s drop bombs first.”



“Let’s stay on top”



OIC vs. Producer Nations

Awaiting Upset



“Corporations will take care of us because government can’t”




“Who’s going to win next?”



Social Entrepreneurs



“Let corporates take care of them”



“More than enough”


This is the past, present and future of the world. This is what we can expect. The future is already happening now, and the strength of energy is in the event horizon. It is the strongest now. The days of the OIC are numbered because oil is not the best way to power an iPod. The future will be effective energy and those that control it.

Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference

Afghanistan | Albania | Algeria | Azerbaijan | Bahrain | Bangladesh | Benin | Brunei | Burkina Faso | Cameroon | Chad | Comoros | Côte d'Ivoire | Djibouti | Egypt | Gabon | Gambia | Guinea | Guinea-Bissau | Guyana | Indonesia | Iran | Iraq | Jordan | Kazakhstan | Kuwait | Kyrgyz Republic | Lebanon | Libya | Malaysia | Maldives | Mali | Mauritania | Morocco | Mozambique | Niger | Nigeria | Oman | Pakistan | Palestine | Qatar | Saudi Arabia | Senegal | Sierra Leone | Somalia | Sudan | Suriname | Syria | Tajikistan | Togo | Tunisia | Turkey | Turkmenistan | Uganda | United Arab Emirates | Uzbekistan | Yemen


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