Saturday, June 28, 2008

Can you hear me?...a day at the Lake

At the lake today, I watched two kids playing in a raft. They were horsing around like most would, so it wasn't a surprise when the boat flipped over. I'd derived earlier that they were brother and sister. They laughed and splashed for a while, but within minutes, they attempted to climb back into the raft. They tried balancing on each side, but no luck. The girl even tried to put her feet in at the same time as her head! The raft plopped her out.
As I watched her try again, I realized she and her brother would never get in that way. I yelled to the girl.
"Hey! Hey! Can you hear me?"
After half a minute passed, I saw her turn towards me.
"Turn around!" I yelled. "Try putting your hands on the sides and jumping on it like a curb."
The word running through my head was stage, but she got the message, attempted and plopped again. This time on her back into the raft.
"Thank you!" She yelled back.
"No problem. I thought it might help."
As I sat down again on my blanket, something struck me about the way she had succeeded. She had some fun, fell out, then wanted back in. Going forward didn't help her, matter how balanced she was. She had to go backwards because her center of gravity was literally behind her.
Perhaps in life, going forward with weightless arms and legs, and even a head, does us no good. It is our weighted center behind us that gives us stability and pushes us forward. You have to turn backwards to the past to move towards your goals. Your center could be called many things. Family, mission, vision, a call from God, or a duty or debt you owe the world to help make it better.
I've got a lot of goals in life, just like I have pictures on my wall. They show all the places I want to go. How? My secret is out in the open, but most don't notice it. High above my desk are the words,
"Study as if the future of the world depends on you. It does."
Only God and I know what that really means.
Are you having fun or are you falling out?
Are your ears clear?


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